Transparency register

As a representative of the interests of its member companies, the VdMi regularly communicates with authorities and ministries at national level as well as at European level. Therefore, the VdMi is registered in the relevant EU and German transparency and lobby registers. 

The VdMi is listed in the:

  • Lobbying Register for the Representation of Special Interests vis-à vis the German Bundestag and the Federal Government (Lobbyregister des Deutschen Bundestags, number R000760).
  • Transparency Register of the EU Commission (number 388728111714-79).


The German Lobbying Register Act, which came into force on 1 January 2022, defines an obligation to register for organisations that engage in regular or permanent representation of special interests - currently only vis-à-vis members of the Bundestag or the Federal Government. Representation of special interests means any contact made for the purpose of directly or indirectly influencing the process of formulating aims or taking decisions.

The VdMi is listed in the Lobbying Register of the German Bundestag and can now call itself a “registered representative of special interests”.

Although the association's lobbying activities are primarily directed at German authorities and the EU, the association's calculations indicate lobbying costs of about € 233,891 for 2023. Of this, a large part is made up by the corporate contribution to be taken into account on a proportional basis, which arises from membership of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI).

The VdMi is also recorded in the EU Transparency Register. For 2023, the association had lobbying expenses of € 160,762 taking into account the corporate contribution to the VCI. 
